Understanding Your New Contingent Fee Structure


A Step Forward Together

At The Law Firm of Derek Williams LLC, we value transparency and your trust above all. Reflecting our commitment to your financial well-being, we’re introducing a significant update to our fee structure—a move designed with your best interests at heart.

What’s Changing?

We’re transitioning from a pay-for-service model to a contingent fee model. This change is aimed at simplifying the process and ensuring our goals align directly with your success in settling debts.



What’s Not Changing?

While we’re excited about the new contingent fee model, it’s important to recognize the core aspects of our service that remain unchanged:




How does this change benefit me? This new structure is designed to save you money more efficiently. By only paying fees upon successful debt settlement, you can potentially see quicker progress in reducing your debts, helping you move towards financial freedom sooner.

Will I need to agree to this change? Yes, to continue our representation and to benefit from this new fee structure, you’ll need to agree to the amendment. This ensures that we’re both aligned and committed to achieving your debt settlement goals.

What happens if I don’t agree to the amendment? We believe this change is in the best interest of our clients. However, agreeing to this amendment is necessary for us to continue representing you under the new contingent fee structure. If you have concerns or questions, we’re here to discuss them with you.


Next Steps

To affirm your agreement with the new fee structure and keep moving forward on your path to settling your debts, please:


Questions or Need Further Clarification?

We understand that changes like these come with questions. If you need more information or wish to discuss this further, please fill out the contact form below. One of our dedicated team members will get in touch to provide the assistance and clarity you need.

Click here to fill out contact form.
Call (866) 217-7779